Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton

In the story the Outsiders a young fourteen year old boy named Ponyboy, lives in a small, dangerous town, where two groups the Greasers and the Socs reside. These groups are only a few of the many people who have been divided and forced against each due to society's stereotypes. These stereotypes cause these groups to focus only on the few differences between them, instead of the many similarities and values of each other. The story begins when Ponyboy and his friend Johnny, your typical greasers, go to the movies and meet two Social girls. One of these girls, Cherry, after talking to Ponyboy, realizes the similarities between her and Ponyboy and also sees the true value in Ponyboy. But, this friendly association quickly goes wrong after Bob, Cherry's boyfriend, gets angry with Ponyboy and Johnny and begins to threaten them. Several days later misfortune strikes both Ponyboy and Johnny after laying in the park around two A.M. in the morning, when suddenly Bob and a group of Socs attack them and try to drown Ponyboy. This attack forces Johnny to make a bold and daring decision that will change the lives and relationship between the Greasers and Socs forever.
After reading this suspenseful, tragic, cliff hanging novel I feel that I and many others have been changed forever by this stupendous story. After realizing the affects that stereotyping has on the youth and adults of a community, I have realized that what society and others labels me as does not affect or change who I am. This novel has also showed me that I should cherish what I have and always see the bright side of everyone and everything no matter how hopeless it may seem.
This shows how stereotypes can divide a society and cause unnecessary anger and hatred between two very similar groups. This a novel that I will never forget and would recommend to anyone who enjoys a tragic and heartwarming story that could change you forever.

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