Sunday, November 20, 2011

Maximum Ride Schools Out Forever by James Patterson

In the story Maximum Ride Schools out Forever, a young fourteen year old part human part bird girl with wings named Max and her friends Fang, Iggy, Nudge, Gasman, and Nudge who like Max have wings and their talking dog Total, have just escaped from the sinister genetic alteration lab called the institute where they find new information who they are and who their parents are. Everyone is excited about their new found information, everyone except for Max who for some reason did not show up in these files and is being haunted by the words of her most hated enemy Jeb, an evil scientist who pretended to be Max and her friends loving care taker, told her that she has just killed her own brother Ari, a young eight year old who is not so innocent when he mutates into a fully grown half man half wolf monster. But how can he be Max's brother if Ari was Jebs son, could this mean that Max is actually Jebs daughter and that everything she believed about her family is lie? But right now Max doesn't have time to worry about herself, only to worry about getting to Washington D.C. and discovering the truth about her and her friends family. But Max's "peaceful" flight is soon disrupted when she stumbles upon a disturbing sight, flying half man half wolf Erasers like Ari only with massive clumsy wings and to add to Max's horror she discovers that among them is Ari the wingless dead boy who she had just killed about a day ago has risen from the dead new and improved. Max and her friends have no choice but to fight but this battle does not have a happy ending Max and her friends manage to defeat Ari and the other Eraser, however Fang is severely injured and one of their worst nightmares is realized they need to go to the hospital. Things quickly go wrong when the doctors discover that Fang has wings and so do his friends, and to add to their troubles the FBI soon become involved with Max and her friends identities. They soon begin to batter each one of them with countless questions and one of them Anne make a dangerous deal with Max that if Max and her friends decided to stay with her and tell her more about who they are she would Fang receive the best health support possible and that she'll give them a place to stay. Max must know decide on whether she should do whats best for Fang and trust a person who she barley knows or risk Fangs life. Oh yah p.s. Max is some how suppose to save the world.
I feel bad for Max and her friends. First they escape from a mad scientist lab after Max allegedly killed her own brother, then they're being chashed by a group of flying Erasers along with Ari who Max just killed, and now they're trapped in a deal that they can't get out of. Talk about having a rough day. I'm also worried for Max because I'm not sure how killing Ari and seeing him come back to life will affect her. Not to menetion the misterious voice that seems to know everything about who she is and is causing her to dought herself as leader. Plus Max has to somehow save the world from an enemy she doesn't know. But Max's trouble worry me about what she might do in reaction to these troubles and what affect they'll have in Max.
I found this story to be full of constant action, emotion and even romance that helps the reader follow the story easily while still being unpredictable. The story also has a numerous of humor that lightens the intense mood of both the story and characters only making the reading that much better. This yet another truly excellent book that I will never forget.

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